Have an idea for a drawing or illustration? A portrait? A scene? A character? If you like my style, I am available to oversee your vision.

Pencil Drawing - $60

3.75 inches x5.75 inches

Maximum two characters

***Discounts based on ability to reporduce as prints at the permission of the commissioner ***

Pencil Drawing - $120

8.5 inches x11 inches

Maximum three characters

***Discounts based on ability to reporduce as prints at the permission of the commissioner ***

Rendered Pencil Drawing - $240

11.5 inchesx 15 inches

Maximum 4 characters - no background

***Discounts based on ability to reporduce as prints at the permission of the commissioner ***

Pen and Ink Commissions

$100 to $300

Prices on a sliding scale based off paper size between 3x6 to 8.5x11

***Discounts based on ability to reporduce as prints at the permission of the commissioner ***

$300 to $500

Prices on a sliding scale based off papersize and detail 8.5x11 to 11x17

***Discounts based on ability to reporduce as prints at the permission of the commissioner ***